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Acupuncture & Massage 60

60 mins

1 h
100 Canadian dollars
Nassau Street North

Service Description

Appointment includes: 30 mins massage therapy & 30 mins acupuncture Research has shown that both acupuncture and massage individually are excellent for the reduction of pain and muscle spasm. A combination of the two is a very powerful form of treatment. Acupuncture is a complementary medical practice that involves the use of very thin, sterile, single-use needles to relieve specific symptoms associated with mental and physical imbalances in the body. The specific acupuncture points that run along meridian lines are thought to have electrical properties, which stimulate the central nervous system to release neurochemicals into muscle, spinal cord and the brain. These chemicals either change the experience of pain or release other chemicals, such as hormones, that influence the body's self-regulating systems. The biochemical changes produced by acupuncture stimulate the body's natural healing abilities and thus promote physical and emotional well-being. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theory, it is believed that Qi (the universal life force energy) flows throughout our bodies in channels called meridians. The meridians serve to connect the interior organs of the body with the exterior points on the skin. Pain, dysfunction and illness are believed to be caused by stagnant, imbalanced or blocked Qi. By using acupuncture needles, we stimulate the acupuncture points to create change in the tissues and the body system as a whole. Such stimulation helps to restore the balance and normal flow of the body’s Qi energy, so organs and bodily systems can work together in harmony as intended. Acupuncture allows the body to repair itself and restore balance for good health. For Western minds, acupuncture stimulates the neural network of the body and promotes the secretion of endorphins in the brain, which are the body's natural painkillers. Acupuncture has been scientifically proven to reduce pain and inflammation, improve blood circulation and nerve conduction, promote tissue healing, reduce stress and is effective for managing chronic pain issues. Great treatment to address acute or chronic musculoskeletal issues.

Cancellation Policy

When you book an appointment, that time is set aside for you, and missed appointments prevent us from accommodating other clients. If an emergency situation arises, please let us know so that we can treat your specific situation with personal attention. We recognize that there are circumstances that are out of your control (sudden illness, family emergencies, etc.) We respectfully request notice should you not be able to attend your appointment. Fees may be incurred for no-shows. Late arrivals may not be eligible for their full appointment time.

Contact Details

  • 301 Nassau Street North #103b, Winnipeg, MB, Canada


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